Hosted by the San Diego American Marketing Association, we were invited to present this talk on Creating a Purpose-Driven Brand in March 2021. As a brand attribute, purpose is not a new trend or fad to be taken lightly by any business or organization. In fact, the opposite is true; studies and research continue to show purpose can be the difference between a casual conversion and long-term consumer trust and loyalty.
Presented by our own Matthew Billingsley and Natalia Tamburini, we shared our perspective on what a purpose-driven brand is, how to define and build your brand’s purpose, and maintain this purpose while growing your audience of advocates. This hour-long session starts with a brief definition of what makes an effective brand and what it consists of, and how it drives people to take action. We then align the power of infusing purpose into your brand by sharing examples such as Patagonia and Ben & Jerry’s. The second half informs how you cultivate a purpose-driven brand to help your business or organization shape meaningful connections with your internal and external audiences, attract the right talent for long-term success, and maintain a culture aligned to and inspired by your purpose. You’ll walk away with new learnings and insights that you can implement right away at your own organization.
Many thanks to Katie Moser and the SD AMA team for inviting us to speak!
If you’re interested in marrying purpose to your brand or having us speak at your next event? Contact us.